The other day in the grocery store with my son I came across the "New!" PC Blue Menu Yogurt Smoothie. They only had mango flavour in stock but according to the website there is vanilla, strawberry and mixed berry flavours available as well. I decided this would be the perfect 'treat' for my son.
I remember my mom buying us Yop as children, if we were good in the grocery store. We fell for this 'treat' every time. Our own individual drink and it was pretty sweet too. . . we loved it. My mother wasn't big on processed stuff. Until we were old enough to really voice our opinion she bought plain yogurt and added homemade jam to it. So this really was a treat!
This drink was on sale for $1.49 usually it is around $2. It has 190 calories, only 1.5g of fat (only 1 being saturated), and 38g of carbs. It has 4 grams of fibre, which is 16% of your daily recommended value. That is defiantly a plus for this drink. I am allergic to dairy, but did taste a tiny amount. It was good, sweet but not too sweet. It had a smooth texture and the mango tasted like real mangoes, as opposed to some chemical tasting yogurts that I have tried. My son inhaled it!
Would I buy it again? As a 'treat' yes, but as a regular addition to my grocery list, no. Smoothies are so easy to make and I like to know the quality of fruit going into my smoothies. If my son was to drink 1 a day that would be $14, while not bad I could make a lot of smoothies for that.
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