Friday, February 1, 2013

"Fresh" Dried Herbs

If you are like me you are always trying to infuse your meals with extra flavour but without extra salt, sugar and sauces laden with preservatives. Herbs are a great way of doing so. Although I prefer fresh herbs I find they always spoil before I can use the whole package. I do buy dried herbs from the local bulk store but sometimes they have a bland taste. I also wonder how long they have been sitting in the bins or jars.

Previous to making dried herbs the way I am going to share with you I always pictured having plates of herbs out drying for days or hanging from various spots in the kitchen. This is an easy way to get fresh dried herbs and know exactly what is in them. Best thing is there is no extra baking or time involved...just do the following steps next time you are already using your oven! I make my herbs after we have made muffins or cookies.

Dried Herbs
  • fresh herbs (mint, sage, rosemary, etc.), washed if needed and dried
  • spread out evenly on cookie sheet - I make aluminum foil dividers so I can put more than one herb on a sheet
  • place the sheets in heated oven - after shutting it off from your previous baking/cooking
  • leave overnight in the morning remove and place in Ziploc bag
  • gently shake in bag to crumble the leaves and for the leaves to follow off the stems, remove stems from bag
 That is can store your herbs in spice jars or leave in the bags. Now you know how to have fresh herbs that didn't involve extra electricity, time or weeks of waiting. 

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